Sign Committee
The Sign Committee preserves Santa Barbara's streetscape through its review of sign designs for compliance with the City's aesthetic standards. The Committee meets biweekly.
Community Development Sign Committee Secretary
Phone Number
(805) 564-5470 x 4572
Mailing Address
Community Development SIGN Secretary
PO Box 1990,
Santa Barbara, CA 93102-1990.
Sign up to receive email notifications when agendas are posted.
The Sign Committee preserves Santa Barbara's streetscape through its review of sign designs for compliance with the City's aesthetic standards. The Committee meets biweekly.
If you need services or staff assistance to attend or participate in this meeting, contact the SIGN Secretary at (805) 564-5470, ext. 4572. If possible, notification at least 48 hours prior to the meeting will usually enable the City to make reasonable arrangements. Specialized services, such as sign language interpretation or documents in Braille, may require additional lead time to arrange.
In compliance with the Brown Act, an Agenda with all items to be heard will be available at 630 Garden Street and online at the Sign Committee Documents Page at least 72 hours before the hearing. Approximate times are set for each item; however, the schedule is subject to change.
The City of Santa Barbara provides copies of architectural plans that are submitted to the City in the course of the design review or land use approval process in order to comply with state public disclosure laws. The City provides copies of these architectural plans for the purpose of facilitating project review, public comment and news reporting consistent with the doctrine of fair use. Any further use or publication of architectural plans without the permission of the copyright owner may constitute an infringement of applicable copyright projections.
By clicking on the link and accessing the draft plans, you are (1) acknowledging the existence of copyright protection for architectural plans; (2) recognizing that the use of such plans is limited by the copyright protection; and (3) represent that you do not intend to use the copies in any manner that would infringe upon the copyright
If you wish to be listed as an interested party on a specific item or project please Call, Email, or Mail the Commission Secretary with the following information:
Public comments may be submitted via email to SIGNSecretary@SantaBarbaraCA.gov before the beginning of the Meeting. All public comments submitted via email will be provided to the Board and will become part of the public record. You may also submit written correspondence via US Postal Service (USPS); addressed to SIGN Secretary, PO Box 1990, Santa Barbara, CA 93102-1990. However, please be advised, correspondence sent via USPS may not be received in time to process prior to the meeting and email submissions are highly encouraged. Please note that the SIGN may not have time to review written comments received after 4:30 p.m. the Monday before the meeting.
All public comment that is received before 4:30 p.m. the Monday before the meeting will be published on the City’s website at SantaBarbaraCA.gov/SIGN. Comments provided via USPS or e-mail will be converted to a PDF before being posted on the City’s website. Note: comments will be published online the way they are received and without redaction of personal identifying information; including but not limited to phone number, home address, and email address. Only submit information that you wish to make available publicly.
735 Anacapa Street
Santa Barbara, CA 93101
Teléfono: (805) 963-0611
Horas de Trabajo: 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM, Lunes a jueves, y viernes alternos.
Ciudad de Santa Bárbara, apartado de correos 1990
Santa Bárbara, CA 93102-1990
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