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Contact Information

Erik Uchida, Human Resources Analyst


Civil Service Commission General Functions

The Civil Service Commission was created in 1926 to hear and determine all matters involving the suspension, removal or dismissal of members of the Fire or Police Departments. Over the years the role of the Board has been expanded by various Charter amendments and Council policies. The last major change was the adoption of the 1967 City Charter which established the Board's current powers and duties as they relate to general personnel rules and regulations and to all classified City employees.

General Functions

  • Advise the City Council and City Administrator on administration of personnel activities in the City of Santa Barbara, including the adoption, amendment or repeal of personnel rules and regulations.
  • Upon request of City Council or upon its own motion, conduct investigations concerning the administration of personnel or conditions of employment in the City and report its findings to the City Council and City Administrator.
  • Hear appeals of City employees under the City Civil Service System.
  • Exercise other functions with respect to personnel regarding the City Civil Service System as may be prescribed by the Charter or by ordinance.

Committee Functions


5 Members


  • Must be qualified electors of the City.
  • May not hold any full-time paid office or employment in City government, and for one year after ceasing to be a member, shall not be eligible for any salaried office or employment with the City.

Length of Time

Four years and until successors are appointed. Staggered terms expire on December 31 of the appropriate year.

Meeting Schedule

The Commission meets on the second Monday of every other month at 4:15 p.m. in Conference Room 15, City Hall, 735 Anacapa Street.

Time Involved

Approximately 4 hours of work every other month. However, there is potential for significant increase in this time commitment if hearings or investigations are conducted.

Financial Disclosure Requirement

Members must file a Statement of Economic Interests upon appointment, annually and when leaving the advisory group.




Human Resources Department, (805) 564-5316.


City Charter Sections 800-805, 808 and 1007; Municipal Code Section 2.08.020.C.
