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the Oversight Board Secretary


Oversight Board

On December 29, 2011 the California State Supreme Court upheld AB 1 X 26 (the “Dissolution Act”) and required the dissolution of every redevelopment agency within California as of February 1, 2012. The bill included provisions for a successor agency to a former redevelopment agency that would be directed by an oversight board comprised of representatives from various local taxing entities and organizations. On January 10, 2012, the Santa Barbara City Council designated the City of Santa Barbara as the Successor Entity to the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Santa Barbara.

The State Department of Finance may review an oversight board action. As such, all oversight board actions shall not be effective for three business days, pending a request for review by the department.

General Functions

  • Direct the Successor Agency actions in terminating or renegotiating contracts, agreements or other arrangements between the former RDA and private parties in order to reduce the Successor Agencies liabilities and increase the net revenues to the taxing entities.
  • Review and authorize the Successor Agency’s Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule(s) (ROPS).
  • Fiduciary responsibility to holders of enforceable obligations and the taxing entities that benefit from distributions of property tax and other revenues pursuant to Health & Safety Code Section 34188.

Committee Functions


Seven members 

  • One member appointed by the County of Santa Barbara Board of Supervisors.
  • One member appointed by the Mayor of the City.
  • One member appointed by the largest special district (Santa Barbara County Flood Control and Water Conservation District), by property tax share, with territory in the territorial jurisdiction of the Agency, which is the type of special district eligible to receive property tax revenues pursuant to Health and Safety Code section 34188.
  • One member appointed by the Santa Barbara County Superintendent of Schools to represent schools.
  • One member appointed by the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges to represent community college districts in Santa Barbara County.
  • One member of the public appointed by the County Board of Supervisors.
  • One member representing the employees of the (former Redevelopment) Agency appointed by the Mayor from the recognized employee organization representing the largest number of former employees of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Santa Barbara employed by the successor agency at that time.


Appointed by representative organizations

Length of Term

Each member of an oversight board shall serve at the pleasure of the entity that appointed such member (H&SC §34179(g)). The Governor may appoint individuals to fill any oversight board member position described in subdivision (a) that has not been filled by May 15, 2012, or any member position that remains vacant for more than 60 days (H&SC §34179(b)).

Meeting Schedule

Approximately 3 hours per month for meetings and related activities

Financial Disclosure Requirement

Members must file a Statement of Economic Interests upon appointment, annually and when leaving the Oversight Board.


Oversight Board members serve without compensation or reimbursement for expenses (H&SC §34179 (c)).


Community Development Department Housing Manager, or Community Development Supervisor, (805) 564-5461


California Health and Safety Code Section 34179 et seq., Council Resolution No. 12-003 (Designation of the City of Santa Barbara as Successor Agency); Council Resolution No. 12-017 (Mayor’s Appointment of Members to the Successor Agency’s Oversight Board)