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Stephanie Lopez-Lozano
Administrative Assistant
Sustainability & Resilience Department
(805) 730-0053


Creeks Advisory Committee General Functions

The Creeks Restoration and Water Quality Improvement Program Citizen Advisory Committee (Creeks Advisory Committee) was established on December 12, 2000, by Resolution No. 00-140. Its purpose is to assist and advise the City staff, the Park and Recreation Commission, and the City Council on matters pertaining to the City's creek restoration and water quality improvement programs.

General Functions

The Committee shall function in an advisory capacity to the City Council, the Park and Recreation Commission, and other boards and commissions as deemed appropriate by the City Council. The Committee shall make its recommendations to the Park and Recreation Commissions, and City Council, as deemed appropriate by the City Council. The City Parks and Recreation Department staff will prepare agendas, record minutes and issues, and receive correspondence for the Committee, and shall otherwise support the Committee to the extent of available budgeted resources.

Committee Functions


7 Members


The Members of the Committee shall be appointed by the City Council from the residents of the City. Committee members shall remain residents of the City during their terms of office, except that up to 2 of the members may be non-City residents. City officers or employees may not serve as Committee Members.

  • At least one member from the hotel/lodging industry;
  • At least one member shall have experience in environmental/land use issues (e.g., land use planning, environmental/natural resource protection/preservation, habitat restoration, water specialist, biologist, or hydrologist, etc.).
  • The remaining five members shall have some experience in ocean use (e.g., recreational user or commercial fisherman, etc.), business, environmental issues and/or provide community at large representation.

Length of Term

Four years and until successors are appointed and qualified. Staggered terms expire on December 31 of the appropriate year. No member shall serve for more than two consecutive four-year terms or an uninterrupted period of more than eight (8) years.

Meeting Schedule

The Committee generally meets on the third Wednesday of each month at 5:30 p.m. in the David Gebhard Public Meeting Room, 630 Garden Street. Some meetings may be held in Council Chambers, upstairs at City Hall, 735 Anacapa Street.

Time Involved

3 to 5 hours per month.

Financial Disclosure Requirement

Members must file a Statement of Economic Interests upon appointment, annually and when leaving the Advisory Committee.

Ethics Training Requirement

The City of Santa Barbara requires members of this committee to take City ethics training within one year after member is appointed or reappointed.




Resolution Nos. 06-087 and 00-140.