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Contact Information

Serena Gutierrez
Administrative Specialist


Golf Advisory Committee

Notice of Golf Advisory Committee Vacancy

- None at this moment, please check back later. -


The Golf Advisory Committee was established in June 1978 to provide guidance and operational assistance to the Parks and Recreation Department and Parks and Recreation Commission in the provision of golf course matters. As such, it provides a vehicle for community input and assists in the mobilization of area resources to help meet the golfing interests and needs of the community.

General Functions

The Advisory Committee performs a variety of guidance and support functions. The scope of such involvement will include, but not be limited to the following:

  • Provide direction and assistance toward the achievement of program results.
  • Contribute fundraising assistance to develop and sustain program operations.
  • Assist in the promulgation and interpretation of golf course programs and services to the community.
  • Serve as a channel for community feedback and input towards the improvement of the course and concession operations.


The Advisory Committee is established by and responsible to the Parks and Recreation Commission. The Committee is responsible for working in concert with professional staff to facilitate the provision of quality services and serve as an available resource to the Parks and Recreation Commission for advice and counsel.

The Committee has no formal authority per se to dictate, authorize, or utilize City resources, personnel, or facilities. The Parks and Recreation Director shall assign professional staff to act as a liaison between the Parks and Recreation Department and the Advisory Committee.

Committee Functions


The Committee shall be composed of seven (voting) responsible individuals who represent three (3) At-Large Members, one (1) Representative of the Men’s Club, one (1) Representative of the Women’s Club, one (1) Representative of the Executive Women’s Club, and one (1) Representative of Los Paisaños.

Length of Term

Appointments are made by the Parks and Recreation Commission upon completion of the recruitment/interview process. Members serve two-year terms as designated at appointment. Appointments expire in December.

Meeting Schedule

The Advisory Committee meets the second Wednesday of alternating months. Special meetings are held as necessary. Advisory Committee meetings shall comply with the Brown Act.

Time Involved

The time commitment is approximately 24 - 35 hours per year for meetings and related activities

Financial Disclosure Requirement

None - Committee acts in an advisory capacity only.




Parks and Recreation Department (805) 897-1913


Players' Improvement Fund Subcommittee

Vacancy Information