17 de febrero: Todas las sedes de la Biblioteca Pública de Santa Bárbara estarán cerradas en conmemoración del Día de los Presidentes.

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Contact Information

Community Development Staff Hearing Officer Secretary

Phone Number
(805) 564-5470 x 4572

Mailing Address
Community Development SHO Secretary
PO Box 1990,
Santa Barbara, CA 93102-1990.


Staff Hearing Officer General Functions

The main goal of the Staff Hearing Officer (SHO) program, which was created in 2006, is to improve and simplify the discretionary planning process for projects that are generally non-controversial and do not involve major land use policy considerations. The benefits include freeing up Planning Commission time to spend on projects with broader community and policy issues. It also enables staff to put their resources into the larger projects, while streamlining the smaller, less complex ones.

General Functions

The Staff Hearing Officer reviews projects which involve Modifications, Performance Standard Permits, Development Plan approvals (1,000-3,000 sq. ft.), lot line adjustments, select Coastal Development Permits, minor amendments to conditions of approval, and adoption of Negative Declarations for SHO eligible projects. The SHO’s purview also includes time extensions for tentative subdivision maps, commercial condominiums, new commercial condominiums (<3,000 sq. ft.), select minor subdivisions, and residential condominium conversion (4 units or less).

Modification Pre-Application Process

A pre-application is an optional service and is often recommended for Zoning Modification requests. A pre-application includes a cursory review of the project; information on staff supportability of the Zoning Modification request(s); and next steps in the process. Pre-application services help inform applicants and identify relevant project issues, but there is no guarantee that the requested Modification(s) will be approved or denied. For more information, please read through our Pre-Application Guide

The final decision of the Staff Hearing Officer will be made at a public hearing after thorough review of the application, site visit, public input, and consideration of all other relevant information. All decisions by the Staff Hearing Officer are appealable to the Planning Commission, or thereafter, the City Council. 

Meeting Schedule

The Staff Hearing Officer meetings are held on alternate Wednesdays from 9:00 – 11:30 a.m., in the David Gebhard Public Meeting Room, 630 Garden Street.


Planning Division, Community Development Department
(805) 564-5578