Business Tax Certificate Information
ALL BUSINESS TAX CERTIFICATES (BUSINESS LICENSES) EXPIRE DECEMBER 31, AND ARE DELINQUENT IF PAID ON OR AFTER FEBRUARY 1. Business tax certificates should be renewed online. If you have not received a renewal notice from Avenu Insights & Analytics, please renew online or contact Avenu for assistance. Unfortunately, business tax certificate applications and payments are no longer accepted at the City Hall public counter.
Apply OR Renew OnlineONLINE FILING VIDEO GUIDEonline filing guide
For Business Tax Certificate (also known as Business License) questions or help needed to file, please contact Avenu Insights & Analytics.
Avenu's contact information and telephone hours:
M-F: 7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Closed on Federal Holidays
(877) 779-7222
Email: SantaBarbaraSupport@avenuinsights.com
For business tax certificate application, visit: