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Castillo Street Undercrossing Bicycle and Pedestrian Facility Improvements

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Castillo Street is one of the busiest streets in the City of Santa Barbara, and is a critical walking and biking connection between West Downtown, coastal attractions, and Santa Barbara City College. Castillo Street is also a Vision Zero Priority Corridor, or an area where a high number of serious injuries or fatal collisions occur in a consistent pattern.

During the Bicycle Master Plan Update in 2016, the community conveyed the need for better walking and biking infrastructure to increase safety near the Castillo Street undercrossing at U.S. Highway 101, and since then, the community has continued to express this concern.

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The City applied for grant funding in June of 2024 through the State’s Active Transportation Program (Program) Cycle 7 to design and construct bicycle and pedestrian safety enhancements along Castillo and Haley Streets, refined through the…
The Castillo Street Undercrossing at U.S. Highway 101 is one of the busiest streets in the City of Santa Barbara and is a critical walking and biking connection between Downtown, coastal attractions, and Santa Barbara City College. Through…
The City held a community webinar on March 13, 2024, and an in-person community meeting on March 16, 2024 regarding the latest design concepts and status of the Castillo Street Undercrossing Safety Improvements Project. Click here…
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