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Castillo Undercrossing from afar.

Castillo Street Undercrossing Bicycle and Pedestrian Facility Improvements at City Council on April 16, 2024

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The Castillo Street Undercrossing at U.S. Highway 101 is one of the busiest streets in the City of Santa Barbara and is a critical walking and biking connection between Downtown, coastal attractions, and Santa Barbara City College. Through years of community engagement, the City has developed a conceptual design to enhance walking and biking facilities in the undercrossing and along the approaches to the undercrossing on Castillo and Haley Streets. Staff is seeking Council authorization to apply for grant funding from the State’s Active Transportation Program for design, environmental review, and construction of the Castillo Street Undercrossing Bicycle and Pedestrian Facility Improvements Project. 

For details on the April 16th Council meeting, please visit:

For more information about the Project, please visit: