
Average Unit-Size Density (AUD) Program


On July 30, 2013, the City Council approved the Program Ordinance. This Program facilitates the creation of multi-unit housing and carries out a key implementation action of the City’s 2011 General Plan. The intent of the Program is to support the construction of smaller residential units near transit and within easy walking and biking distance to commercial services and activity centers. Increased densities and development standard incentives are allowed in most multi-family and commercial zones of the City to promote additional housing. Rental, employer-sponsored, and limited equity housing cooperative units that provide housing opportunities to the City’s workforce are especially encouraged.


2023 Progress Report

July 2023 marks 10 years since the adoption of the Average Unit-Size Density Incentive (AUD) Program, which was intended to encourage the development of smaller, more attainable housing units in select areas of the city.

To gain insights on how well the AUD Program met its original objectives, the Planning Division produced an AUD Program Progress Report to analyze data and inform potential amendments to the AUD Program. Surveys and interviews with AUD stakeholders -- project applicants, developers, architects, housing advocates, and planners -- were conducted to analyze the Program's effectiveness. By sharing their experiences, they highlight aspects of city processes that could be prioritized for more efficiency and streamlining in the future. 

The AUD Program Progress Report is also available as an interactive webpage.


The Program has been monitored closely since 2013 and amended multiple times to provide course corrections to better fulfill its purpose. In December 2023, the AUD Program was amended to change from a trial period with an expiration date into the City's permanent multi-unit housing program.

Program Timeline

July 2013

Adoption as a trial program (Ordinance 5630)

October 2014

Amendment - Planning Commission Concept Review (Ordinance 5671)

February 2017

Additional Public Noticing and Story Poles (Resolution 17-006)

October 2017

New Zoning Ordinance

January 2019

Amendment - Prohibited Conversion to Hotel Units and Increased Parking for 3+bed Units (Ordinance 5869)

July 2019

Amendment - Added Inclusionary Housing (Ordinance 5890)

August 2020

Amendment - Changes to the Central Business District (Ordinance 5954)

July 2021

Amendment - Excluded Mobile Home Parks (Ordinance 6010)

Program Extension (Ordinance 6011)

January 2022

Amendment - Program Extension (Ordinance 6052)

December 2023

Amendment - Program made permanent (Ordinance 6129)