All SBPL locations will be closed on Monday, March 31 for César Chávez Day.
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Online Permit Applications
Downtown Parking Office
1221 Anacapa Street
Santa Barbara, CA 93101
(805) 564-5656 Tel.
Mailing Address
City of Santa Barbara
P.O. Box 1990
Santa Barbara, CA 93102-1990
Downtown Parking Counter Walk-in Hours
Monday through Thursday, Alternate Fridays
8:30 AM to 4:00 PM (PT)
Calendar of Closed Fridays
Residential Parking Program

The Residential Permit Parking Program is an on-street parking tool used to manage parking in mixed use areas. Parking restrictions encourage the turnover of non-resident vehicles to encourage the best use of a limited parking supply. Residents in the designated Permit Parking Areas may be eligible for permits exempting them from the restrictions. (SBMC § 10.46.062)
If you live in an existing Permit Parking Area and would like a Residential Parking Permit, please apply online:
A Resident Parking Permit is only obtainable by an applicant whose principal residence is in a Permit Parking Area. This permit allows a resident vehicle to park up to 72 hours in 75 and 90-minute zones that are POSTED with Parking Permit Exemptions.
Always obey all posted street signage. Area Maps may not reflect recent changes to parking restrictions.
Vehicles displaying Parking Permits are subject to all other parking restrictions, i.e., 15-minute green zone, 20-minute commercial yellow zone, handicapped, red zones, and street sweeping or bike lanes. Note: There is a City-Wide Ordinance that limits ALL on-street parking to a consecutive period of 72 hours (SBMC § 10.44.060).
Area: A
Annual Expiration Date: January 31st
Location: North of Cabrillo near Harbor
Enforcement: Restricted parking only on Saturday, Sunday, and Holidays between 10:00 AM and 5:00 P.M.
Area: B
Annual Expiration Date: February 28th
Location: Downtown Core off State Street
Enforcement: Restricted parking Monday through Saturday, from 9:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M.
Area: C
Annual Expiration Date: March 31st
Location: Downtown Core off State Street
Enforcement: Restricted parking Monday through Saturday, from 9:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M.
Area D
Annual Expiration Date: April 30th
Location: Downtown Core off State Street
Enforcement: Restricted parking Monday through Saturday, from 9:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M.
Area E
Annual Expiration Date: May 31st
Location: Downtown Core off State Street
Enforcement: Restricted parking Monday through Saturday, from 9:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M.
Area F
Annual Expiration Date: June 30th
Location: Downtown Core off State Street
Enforcement: Restricted parking Monday through Saturday, from 9:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M.
Area G
Annual Expiration Date: July 31st
Location: Downtown Core off State Street
Enforcement: Restricted parking Monday through Saturday, from 9:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M.
Area L
Annual Expiration Date: September 30th
Location: Modoc Street near La Cumbre Junior High
Enforcement: High Restricted to residents only - 24 hours a day.
Area M
Annual Expiration Date: August 31st
Location: The Mesa in the neighborhoods surrounding Santa Barbara City College
Enforcement: Restricted parking on School Days from 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. Enforced only School Days during Fall, Winter, and Spring Semesters.
Parking Enforcement patrols Parking Permit Areas and cites vehicles for overtime parking or not displaying a permit (in addition to all other parking violations). For questions on enforcement of Residential Permit Parking, please contact Parking Enforcement.
The Resident Permit Parking program is entirely resident-driven. Residents of a neighborhood must work together to initiate the implementation of parking restrictions on their block and demonstrate their desire for the City to regulate parking on their streets.
If you are interested in expanding restrictions within a Parking Permit Area, or, adding a new Parking Permit Area, please see below for more information:
How to Apply for a Residential Parking Permit
ELIGIBILITY: Residential and Visitor Parking Permits are ONLY issued to natural persons whose primary place of residence is located within a designated Permit Parking Area. Permits will NOT be issued to:
• Property owners or landlords who do not reside full-time at an eligible address.
• Property managers.
• Owners or occupants of vacation or short-term rental properties.
• Any one person at more than one address.
• Business entities.
• Business addresses or addresses used primarily for commercial purposes.
• Any vehicle larger than 25 feet long OR 82 inches high OR 80 inches wide.
ELIGIBLE VEHICLES: Parking permits may only be used on passenger vehicles, motorcycles, pick-up trucks, and vans of ¾ ton capacity or less. The permits are NOT VALID on trucks over ¾ ton capacity, buses, detached trailers, recreational motor homes, vehicles not licensed to travel on highways, vehicles longer than 25 feet or higher than 82 inches or wider than 80 inches, and vehicles with expired registration. Parking permits will not be issued to vehicles used primarily for commercial purposes, such as taxis, limousines, and delivery vans, nor will they be issued to vehicles with out-of-state registration.
CHANGE OF ADDRESS: If a resident moves WITHIN a permit area, the resident must notify the Downtown Parking Office of the change of address, and supply documentation for verification. A resident who moves to ANOTHER permit area may exchange permits from one area to the other. This exchange can be done free of charge only if the previous permits are returned. If a resident moves OUTSIDE of a permit parking area, his or her parking permits are considered null and void. These permits should be returned to the Downtown Parking Office so that the new tenant may obtain parking permits without exceeding the annual permit allocation for the address.
- Complete the City of Santa Barbara Residential Parking Permit Application.
- Attach copies of ALL of the following documents:
- Current California Vehicle Registration for each vehicle. The vehicle MUST be registered to the applicant.
- A signed residential lease or rental agreement showing each applicant’s name and address OR a Resident Verification Form OR a recent property tax bill, mortgage documents, homeowners insurance bill, or similar proving home ownership.
- A current (dated within the past three months) piece of official mail, such as a utility bill, bank statement, phone bill, cable bill, or similar, or a postal mail re-routing label. The piece of mail must display the applicant’s name and the mailing address must match the address on the application. You may black out any other personal or financial information. The following will NOT be accepted as proof of residence:
- Mail that shows only a PO Box.
- Mail that shows only a service address.
- Mail that shows a service address that does not match the mailing address on the account.
- Handwritten or personal mail.
There is a $45.00 non-refundable processing fee for EACH permit. These fees are not pro-rated. Each legal dwelling unit is allowed no more than THREE annual residential permits and ONE visitor permit. Permits are non transferable (SBMC § 10.46.062).
We strongly encourage renewing or applying online, but if you are unable to, we have more options:
• Apply in person during walk-in hours, Monday-Friday, 8:30am-4:00pm.
• Submit your application and supporting documentation by mail, along with payment ($45 per permit), to:
Downtown Parking
1221 Anacapa Street
Santa Barbara, CA 93101
Temporary Residential Parking Permits are issued over the counter. If the temporary permit expires before receiving the permanent permit, you must call the Parking Office or come by and pick up a new one. We are not responsible for parking citations issued for expired permits.
If applying for a permit on a vehicle not registered to the applicant, please fill out a Vehicle User Verification Form.
For applicants who do not have a lease agreement, a Residence Verification Form may completed and signed by landlord or manager in place of a lease/rental agreement for the purpose of establishing, in part, eligibility for a Resident Parking Permit.
Update an exiting application (upload requested documentation or change vehicles)
Cómo Solicitar un Permiso de Estacionamiento Residencial
Elegibilidad: Permisos de Estacionamiento Residenciales y Permisos de Estacionamiento para Visitantes, SOLAMENTE pueden ser adquiridos por un aplicante cuya residencia principal este dentro de una área de Estacionamente de Permiso. Permisos NO seran emitidos a:
• Dueños/Gerente De Propiedad que no vivan en la residencia eligible
• Encargado/a De Propiedad
• Dueños o occupantes de alquiler de viviendas vacacionales o viviendas de corto plazo
• Cualquier persona en mas de un domicilio
• Negocios
• Direcciónes de negocios
• Vehículos de más de 25 pies de largo o 82 pulgadas de alto o 80 pulgadas de ancho.
Vehículos Elegibles: Permisos de estacionamiento solo pueden ser usados en vehÍculos, motocicletas, camionetas, y furgonetas con carga de ¾ de toneladas o menos. Los permisos NO SON válidos en camionetas con capacidad de mas de ¾ de toneladas, autobúses, remolques separados, autocaravanas/casas rodantes, vehÍculos que no esten autorizados en la autopista, vehÍculos que midan mas de 25 pies de largo o mas de 82 pulgadas de altura o mas de 80 pulgadas de ancho, y a vehÍculos con el registro caducado/vencido. Permisos de estacionamiento no seran emitidos a vehÍculos cuyo el proposito principalmente es comercial, como taxis, limusinas, y caravanas de entrega, ni a vehÍculos registrados en otro estado.
Cambio de Domicilo: Si un residente se mueve DENTRO DE una área de permisos, es necesario que el residente notifique a la oficina de Downtown Parking del cambio de domicilio, y proveer documentacíon para verification. Si un residente se mueve a OTRA área de permisos, puede intercambiar permisos de una área para otra. Este intercambio puede ser libre de costo SOLAMENTE si regresa los permisos previos. Si un residente se mueve FUERA de una área de permisos para estacionamento, sus permisos seran inválidos. Estos permisos deben de ser regresados a la oficina de Downtown Parking para que el nuevo inquilino pueda obtener permisos de estacionamiento sin superar los permisos annuales de asignación para el domicilio.
- ADJUNTAR copias de TODOS los sigiuentes documentos:
- El REGISTRO DE VEHICULO EN EL ESTADO DE CALIFORNIA actual para cada vehÍculo. El vehÍculo DEBE de estar registrado al solicitante.
- Un contrato de alquiler firmado que indiqué el nombre de cada solicitante y domicilio o un cobro de impuestos de la propiedad o documentacíon equivalente de posesión. Si no existe un contrato de alquiler, obtenga una Formade Verification Residencial, de nuestra oficina que es firmado por el propietario.
- Una carta que haya recibido por correo oficial( con fecha dentro de los ultimos tres meses), por ejemplo unafactura de utilidades ya sea de cable, agua o similar, facturas bancarias, o un document oficial de cambio de domicilio suministrado por la oficina postal de Los Estados Unidos. La carta oficial de correo debe de enseñar el nombre completo del solicitante y la direccion de el domicilio que solicita en la aplicación. Puede suprimir cualquier información personal o financial. Lo siguiente NO sera aceptado como correo oficial:
- Correo que solo enseñe PO Box
- Correo que solo enseñe servicio al domicilio
- Correo que solo enseñe servicio al domicilio que no sea igual al domicilio enviado por correo postal
- Correo escrito a mano o personal.
Hay una tarifa de procesamiento no reembolsable de $45.00 por CADA permiso. Estas tarifas no son prorrateadas. A cada unidad de vivienda legal se le permite no más de TRES permisos residenciales anuales y UN permiso de visitante. Los permisos no son transferibles (SBMC § 10.46.062).
Le recomendamos encarecidamente que renueve o presente la solicitud en línea, pero si no puede hacerlo, tenemos más opciones:
- Solicite en persona durante el horario de atención, de lunes a viernes, de 8:30 a.m. a 4:00 p.m.
Los permisos de estacionamiento residencial temporal se emiten sin receta. Si el permiso temporal vence antes de recibir el permiso permanente, debe llamar a la Oficina de Estacionamiento o pasar a recoger uno nuevo. No somos responsables de las multas de estacionamiento emitidas por permisos vencidos.