City of Santa Barbara Awards Construction Contract for New Police Station Project
The City of Santa Barbara is pleased to announce that it has awarded the general contractor construction contract for its new Police Station Project (Station) to ProWest Constructors Inc. (ProWest). The new Station will be located at the former Cota Parking Lot site (119 East Cota Street) and will replace the outdated Figueroa Street station that has served the community since 1959. This award marks a significant milestone in the City's efforts to advance public safety and modernize law enforcement facilities.
ProWest is a California based contractor with strong ties to Santa Barbara having worked for Cottage Hospital and UCSB for many years. They have significant experience completing complicated projects, with a focus on benefiting communities. The City selected ProWest using a Best Value procurement method as a result of Measure A passing in March 2024.
To finance this critical project, the City will secure a 30-year lease revenue bond, with debt service to be funded by Measure C, a local sales tax measure approved by voters in 2017. The Station’s total estimated construction cost is $96 million and is anticipated to be completed in Spring 2027. During the construction period, the existing police station will remain fully operational to ensure uninterrupted service to the community.
“The new Station will greatly enhance our ability to serve the community by bringing our entire team under one roof and providing modern, essential resources that meet current safety and accessibility standards,” Chief of Police Kelly Gordon said. “We ensured that the space, technology, and training facilities are tailored to meet the demands of modern policing and reinforce our commitment to meaningful community engagement. This Station is a testament to our dedication to public safety, and we are grateful for the support of our residents in making this project a reality.”
The new Police Station will be a three-story, 65,000 square foot building designed to consolidate the entire police force, which currently operates from four separate locations. This state-of-the-art facility will include a 911 public safety dispatch center, parking structure for department and personnel vehicles, forensics lab, community room, fitness center, training room, indoor shooting range, property and evidence room, and a large solar and battery array. The new Station aims to improve accessibility to services for the community and enhance working conditions for employees, which in turn is expected to bolster recruitment and retention efforts.
The City’s Public Works Department has led the project’s planning and design over the past seven years in collaboration with the Santa Barbara Police Department and a team of specialized professionals. The design team includes Cearnal Collective and MWL (architecture), FFA (interior design), JAMA (structural engineering), Flowers & Associates (civil engineering), Alvine Engineering & IPDG (mechanical, electrical, and plumbing), and CJMLA (landscape design).
For ProWest contract information, please visit Santa Barbara Police Station Council Agenda Report.
For further information and ongoing updates on the project, please visit Santa Barbara Police Station Project - SantaBarbaraCA.gov/SBPDStation.