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Cabrillo Roundabout and UPRR Bridge.jpg

Cabrillo-Los Patos Roundabout Construction Begins Late Feb.

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Construction for the Cabrillo-Los Patos Roundabout Project (Project) will begin in late February. The Project is the first phase of a larger project on East Cabrillo Boulevard between Los Patos Way and the Cabrillo Interchange which includes the construction of a single-lane roundabout at the intersection of East Cabrillo Boulevard and Los Patos Way. 

The existing two-way, stop-controlled intersection at East Cabrillo and Los Patos Way is heavily traveled by many motorists, bicyclists, and pedestrians. The new roundabout will bring much-needed improvements and provide safer travel for all modes of transportation along East Cabrillo Boulevard. 

New features include updated crosswalks with traffic islands and a landscaped center island. A striped pedestrian and bicycle lane will be installed along northbound Channel Drive as well as installation of a new left turn lane from southbound Cabrillo Boulevard to Channel Drive. 

Utility relocations are the first order of work that will begin across Cabrillo Boulevard from Los Patos Way to Channel Drive and take approximately two to three months to complete. Construction is anticipated between 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on weekdays with occasional night work. Traffic delays and minor detours are to be expected.

Construction completion is estimated in Spring 2025. 

Project virtual and in-person public meetings were held in November 2023. 

To learn more about the Project and to view previous English and Spanish webinar public meetings regarding the Project, please visit:



Michelle Bedard
Project Planner