Patching Potholes on Milpas Street from East Canon Perdido to Calle Puerto Vallarta
The Santa Barbara Streets Operations Division will be patching potholes on Milpas Street from East Canon Perdido to Calle Puerto Vallarta starting Monday, April 8th through Thursday, April 11th from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Milpas Street will be accessible during this project, but there may be temporary delays and parking restrictions. Hours are subject to change due to weather or any unforeseen complications.
Areas will be posted with NO PARKING signs. Please park outside of the posted areas during this process.
See the map above for more information.
Questions about paving? Please contact Mike Krashefski, Streets Operations & Maintenance Superintendent at (805) 564-5454, MKrashefski@SantaBarbaraCA.gov or visit SantaBarbaraCA.gov/Streets.