Image of Casa Las Granada being built

Adoption Draft 2023-2031 Housing Element for Review

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City staff have worked closely with HCD to respond and prepare the proposed Adoption Draft 2023-2031 Housing Element that complies with State Housing Element Law. Two versions of the document are posted for public review until October 30, 2023:

  • Adoption Draft 2023-2031 Housing Element
  • Adoption Draft 2023-2031 Housing Element showing changes from the April 2023 Draft in underline and strike through.

Please visit to review these documents online. You can submit comments on the Adoption Draft to Comments can also be submitted directly to HCD:

The Adoption Draft 2023-2031 Housing Element will be submitted to HCD for review following the end of the public review period.

On November 16, 2023, the Planning Commission will hold a hearing to consider and forward a recommendation to the City Council for adoption of the Housing Element. The adoption hearings at the Planning Commission and City Council will provide further opportunities for public input.