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Nicole Hernandez
Architectural Historian
(805) 564-5536


San Roque Historic Context and Resource Survey



The City of Santa Barbara retained South Environmental to prepare a historic context statement and perform a historic resources survey for the San Roque neighborhood. The project just started earlier this month and is expected to be completed by April 2026.

The historic context statement will provide the background information necessary for the historic resources survey by documenting the neighborhood’s development history and identifying important themes, property types, architectural trends, patterns of development, community groups, significant events, and people that are associated with that history. Throughout the course of the survey, properties will be identified as potentially eligible and not eligible for local designation. The goal of the project is to identify and promote the preservation of important cultural and historic resources within the San Roque neighborhood. You can view the survey area map here.

Public Participation

The public is invited to attend an in-person meeting for the project on March 13, 2025, at 6 PM - to 7 PM to learn more about the project, provide comments, contribute information to be used to develop the historic context statement and identify important local resources for the neighborhood. The meeting will be held at Peabody Charter School and will also be available online. Additional project information and project updates will be available on this web page. The public is also encouraged to email historical information, such as historic photographs, memories, and stories to by April 30, 2025.



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