City Secures Grant Funding to Make Streets Safer for Everyone
The City was recently awarded a planning grant by the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) to develop a Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) Action Plan. The goal of the Action Plan is to prevent traffic-related fatalities and serious injuries within the City, while increasing safe, healthy, and equitable mobility for all. The City has a high rate of traffic-related injuries and fatalities compared to cities of similar size in California. The Action Plan will identify infrastructure improvements that can be implemented to remove barriers to safe mobility.
To kick off the community engagement process, surveys were sent to families of school-aged children to help identify opportunities for improving walking and biking routes to schools. There will be additional upcoming opportunities for community input, with a focus on Vision Zero high priority corridors and safe routes to school. The Plan will be completed by 2026, and will include:
- Maps of completed and funded infrastructure improvements along the City's existing Vision Zero High-Priority Corridors.
- Updated safety analysis to identify necessary changes or additions to the City’s Vision Zero High Priority Corridors.
- Equity impact assessments of traffic collision data, proposed projects, and strategies to identify communities that are disproportionately affected by traffic collisions and underserved by safe infrastructure.
- Community and stakeholder engagement and collaboration to ensure engineering solutions are addressing their concerns and to increase support for critical safety infrastructure projects.
- Updated policies and processes to improve prioritization of transportation safety.
- Safety countermeasures to reflect best practices that could be easily incorporated with pavement maintenance, City capital, and/or land development projects.
- Short-, mid-, and long-term projects to improve safety.
- Preliminary survey and cost estimates to prepare for future funding opportunities.
- Updated Safe Routes to School Maps and identify additional safety enhancements along the routes.
For additional information, please email SS4A@SantaBarbaraCA.gov.