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Aerial view of the intersection of Milpas and Mason Streets

Community Meetings for Milpas Street Crosswalk Safety and Sidewalk Widening Project

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Tuesday, October 15, 2024, 5:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
This session will be held online using the ZOOM platform. Participants will be able to watch the= presentation and submit questions and comments. No webcams or microphones necessary.
Habrá traducción en español. 
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Thursday, October 17, 2024, 5:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m., Franklin Elementary School, 1111 E. Mason Street. This meeting will have a formal presentation in Spanish and English. Habrá traducción en español.

Milpas Street has the second highest number of pedestrian collisions in the City and is a designated Vision Zero Priority Corridor, aiming to eliminate severe injuries and deaths. While Milpas Street handles vehicle traffic well, this Project focuses on improving pedestrian safety and access. Over the past several years, the City has held workshops to gather feedback and in 2023, with the community and City Council support, the Public Works Department secured a State grant for safety enhancements to this important corridor.

The City last held a community meeting to review the project scope in October 2023. The upcoming meeting will provide a design update to include intersection illustrations with new curb alignments, walkway improvements, bus stop features, accessibility upgrades, and various safety improvements. Of the 95 street trees in the project area, 82 will be protected, and 13 will be removed. Of the 13 trees to be removed, eight are Laurel Fig (Ficus) trees and five are non Ficus trees. About 37 locations have been identified for new street trees, pending further evaluation. All tree removals and replacements will be reviewed by the City’s Street Tree Advisory Committee and the Parks & Recreation Commission in November 2024.

The Project includes the following safety enhancements: 

  • New curb extensions
  • High visibility crosswalks
  • Additional intersection lighting
  • Accessibility upgrades throughout the corridor
  • Wider sidewalks at corners and transit stops
  • Leading pedestrian intervals at signalized intersections
  • Flashing beacons enhancements at non-signalized intersections
  • A median refuge island at one non-signalized intersection
  • Addition of three-foot-wide buffers to the existing bike lanes between Cota and Canon Perdido Street

Construction is expected to start in 2027, in coordination with a City maintenance project that includes pavement grinding, overlay, and major sidewalk repairs. All sidewalk work will focus on the areas between the improved intersections.

To subscribe for Project updates and to learn more about the Project, please email or visit