Photo of 510 North Salsipuedes

Average Unit-Size Density (AUD) Incentive Program Progress Report: A Look Back on a Decade of Housing Production.

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July 2023 marks 10 years since the adoption of the Average Unit-Size Density Incentive (AUD) Program, which was intended to encourage the development of smaller, more attainable housing units in select areas of the city.

To gain insights on how well the AUD Program met its original objectives, the Planning Division produced an AUD Program Progress Report to analyze data and inform potential amendments to the AUD Program.

Surveys and interviews with AUD stakeholders -- project applicants, developers, architects, housing advocates, and planners -- were conducted to analyze the Program's effectiveness. By sharing their experiences, they highlight aspects of city processes that could be prioritized for more efficiency and streamlining in the future.

See the City’s website for more information about the AUD Program. The information in this report will be presented to the Planning Commission on Thursday, October 12th.

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