Operations & Training
Operations Division
Operations personnel work two consecutive 24-hour shifts followed by four days off. This is commonly referred to as a "48/96" work schedule. This system is maintained by rotating three shifts of firefighters. Each shift consists of 28 firefighters and one Battalion Chief. This ensures continuous fire protection throughout the year.
The department responds to natural and man-made emergencies including the following type of incidents:
- Structure Fires
- Wildland Fires
- Vehicle Fires
- Medical Emergencies
- Accidents
- Harbor Incidents
- Hazardous Materials
- Explosions
- Aircraft Emergencies
- Flooding
- Earthquake
- Rescues
In 2023, the department responded to 11,627 calls for service. 65% of the calls (7,551) were rescues and medical emergencies. SBFD also assists neighboring communities and state agencies when needed through the local and master mutual aid system.
Beyond emergency response, our Engine Companies actively promote fire safety through inspections and public education programs.
Training Division
The Training Division ensures that all department members receive consistent, high-quality training. It guarantees compliance with federal, state, and local regulations and certifications while also developing and assessing innovative training programs.