
Website Categories


Six Website Categories

All information listed on the City of Santa Barbara web site is divided into one of six top-level web site categories. These categories were distilled from a survey of 30 top municipal websites and represent “best practices” in municipal website architecture.


This section was designed to help visitors and tourists navigate their way through information about accommodations, things to do, places to eat, getting around the City, and navigating to and from the Santa Barbara Airport.


The Services section is designed to aggregate many of the services offered by the City. Some of the links in this section link to pages in the "Government > Departments" section of the website. The links provided in the Services section so that website visitors do not need to know the City organization structure in order to find Department-specific services.


The Government section contains information about how your local government works, including who to contact, ordinances, the Municipal Code (Muni Code), City Charter, information about Mayor and Council, and information such as agendas, minutes and meeting schedules for all of the Advisory Groups (Boards and Commissions) that report directly or indirectly to the City Council.


This section will help explain both how to do business with the City and information specifically for Santa Barbara businesses, including forms, records and property information, utilities and parking programs.

How do I

The entire "How Do I..." section is viewable by moving your mouse pointer over the "How Do I" menu item. A large "mega-menu" will appear and allow you to pick from a variety of services website visitors often search for. Like many of the links in the Services section, links in the "How Do I..."section are provided so that website visitors do not need to know the City organization structure in order to find Department-specific services.


All Department contact information is proved in this section of the website.  The main page of this section contains a list of "hotline" phone numbers to cover a variety is issues commonly reported by citizens.