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Rendering of the proposed roundabout project

City to Hold Two Community Outreach Meetings On Cabrillo-Los Patos Roundabout Project’s Upcoming Construction

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The City of Santa Barbara will hold two public meetings on November 2 and 8 regarding the Cabrillo-Los Patos Roundabout Project (Project). This Project is the first phase of a larger project on East Cabrillo Boulevard between Los Patos Way and the Cabrillo Interchange that includes the construction of a single-lane roundabout at the intersection of East Cabrillo Boulevard and Los Patos Way.

The November 2 meeting will be held virtually and the November 8 meeting will be held at the Palm Park Beach House in Santa Barbara.

The existing two-way, stop-controlled intersection at East Cabrillo and Los Patos Way is heavily traveled and used by a large number of motorists, bicyclists, and pedestrians. The new roundabout will bring much-needed improvements and allow for safer travel for all modes of transportation along East Cabrillo Boulevard.

New features also include updated crosswalks with traffic islands and a landscaped center island. A striped pedestrian and bicycle lane will be installed along northbound Channel Drive. A new left turn lane will be installed from southbound Cabrillo Boulevard to Channel Drive.

The public meetings will provide an opportunity for community members to receive a Project update, view construction plans, and learn about the next steps for the new Los Patos Roundabout. Santa Barbara County Association of Governments and Caltrans staff will also be available to provide information on the Highway 101 Widening Project. The meeting content will be the same for each public meeting and Spanish interpretation will be available.

Construction for Phase 1 Cabrillo-Los Patos Roundabout is funded and scheduled to begin in the Winter of 2023-2024. The City and SBCAG are seeking funding for Phase 2 of the larger project which will include the Union Pacific Railroad Bridge replacement and closure of the Los Patos Way Underpass.

Public Meeting Details:

Thursday, November 2, 2023
5:30-7:00 p.m.
Virtual Meeting Room (Zoom):

Wednesday, November 8, 2023
5:30-7:00 p.m.
Palm Park Beach House
236 East Cabrillo Blvd., Santa Barbara, CA

Both meetings are free and open to the public and RSVPs are encouraged. To learn more about the Project please visit:



Eric Goodall
Public Works, Public Works - Engineering Division
Supervising Engineer