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City Council Appoints Sarah Knecht as Interim City Administrator

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The City Council has appointed Sarah Knecht, City Attorney, as Interim City Administrator. Ms. Knecht will begin her role as the interim City Administrator upon Ms. Bjork's departure on December 29, 2023, and will serve in this role until the completion of a nationwide recruitment and a new City Administrator has been appointed by the City Council.

Sarah is honored by the opportunity to continue her service to the City Council and to the Community in the role as Interim City Administrator. Ms. Knecht says, “Ms. Bjork leaves the City with an excellent Executive Team in place, which will ensure the continued smooth operation of the City and ease the transition to a new administrator.”

Ms. Knecht has worked for the City Attorney's office since 2004, serving as Interim City Attorney from July 2022 to December 2022 until she was appointed to the permanent position. Ms. Knecht has been a resident of the City of Santa Barbara since 1996 and worked as a public law attorney in private practice before joining the City. Prior to her career in law, Ms. Knecht was an urban planner for several southern California cities.

Mayor Randy Rowse expressed full confidence in the appointment, saying, “We are incredibly fortunate to have someone of Sarah's caliber to step into the role. Her expertise and comprehensive understanding of the City are exceptional, making her the ideal steward during this critical juncture.”

Born and raised in Boulder, Colorado, Ms. Knecht's commitment to public service is a family legacy, with her father having honorably served on the city council and as mayor.

Ms. Knecht will appoint an Acting City Attorney while she is in the Administrator role. 


Media Contact: Bryan Latchford, Public Information Officer
Phone: (805) 991-7716
Email: BLatchford@SantaBarbaraCA.gov



Bryan Latchford
City Administrators Office
Public Information Officer