Eastside Library will be closed due to construction work through 8/7.

Image shows cyclist trying to navigate around school traffic in merge into the travel lane where there is a missing gap in the Cota Street Protected Bike Lane. La imagen muestra a un ciclista intentando navegar el tráfico escolar para incorporarse al carril de circulación donde falta un hueco en el carril bici protegido de la calle Cota.

Santa Barbara Junior High Multiuse Path Construction Begins Late June

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The City of Santa Barbara is pleased to announce the upcoming construction of the Santa Barbara Junior High School Multiuse Path Project (Project). Construction will begin in late June 2024, with expected completion by the end of July.

The Project will widen the existing sidewalk at the school’s main entrance and create a twelve-foot-wide multiuse path for cyclists and pedestrians. The parkway, with its mature street trees, will be preserved. The new path will create a bypass for cyclists to avoid school drop-off and pick-up activity, thereby completing the 450-foot bike infrastructure gap along Cota Street between Alisos and Chapala Streets.

Please expect intermittent road closures and detours affecting vehicles, bicycles, and pedestrians in the area. Traffic control measures will be in place throughout the construction period.

The City has contracted with Granite Construction, Inc. to execute the Project. Work will take place Monday through Friday, from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

The Project is primarily funded by Measure A, Santa Barbara County’s transportation sales tax, through the Safe Routes to School (SR2S) program. We appreciate your support and patience during construction.

Please view SBCAG’s Measure A Regional Safe Routes to School Program website to see the funded SR2S projects in the South Coast: SBCAG.org/Project/Regional-Safe-Routes-to-School-Program

Questions? Please contact Jessica Grant, Supervising Transportation Planner at JGrant@SantaBarbaraCA.gov.