
Lower Eastside Community Connectivity Active Transportation Plan News Archive

The City applied for grant funding in June 2024 through the State’s Active Transportation Program (Program) Cycle 7 to design and construct the pedestrian and bicycle overcrossing as well as implement all safety enhancements throughout the…
The Lower Eastside Community Connectivity Active Transportation Plan (Plan) will be presented to the Sustainability Council Committee on Thursday February 1st, and to City Council on Tuesday, February 13th.  The Plan recommends…
The Transportation and Circulation Committee will review and comment on the Draft Lower Eastside Community Connectivity Active Transportation Plan (Draft Plan) on Thursday, October 26, 2023, at 5:30 p.m. The public is…
As part of the Lower Eastside Community Connectivity Active Transportation Planning Effort, the City held a webinar and in-person meeting at the beginning of the month to share design options for a new pedestrian and bicycle U.S. Highway…
As part of the Lower Eastside Community Connectivity Active Transportation Planning Effort, the City held a webinar on April 5 and an in-person meeting on April 12 to share design options for a new pedestrian and bicycle U.S. Highway 101…
Please join us online or in person to learn about design options for a new pedestrian and bicycle U.S. Highway 101 overcrossing between the Lower Eastside and Dwight Murphy Field. These concepts are part of the Lower Eastside Community…
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