PR Image
Image shows a collection of items you would want to have in your Disaster Kit like first aid, a flashlight, water and cash - with the Fire Dept logo

September is National Preparedness Month

“Take Control in 1,2,3…”
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The City of Santa Barbara Office of Emergency Services (OES) is participating in National Preparedness Month to increase preparedness throughout our community. The annual campaign is designed to raise awareness about the importance of being ready for disasters and emergencies that can happen at any time.

This year’s theme of “Take Control in 1,2,3” focuses on preparing adults for disasters by encouraging them, and all community members to 1) assess their needs, 2) make a plan and 3) engage their support network to stay safe when disaster strikes.

Being prepared in the event of a disaster causes you to be self-reliant for three to five days. Preparing can start with these important steps:

  • Learn about Potential Threats & Stay Informed - Learn about disasters that may occur in your area and identify how authorities will notify you during a disaster.
  • Locate Community Resources – what assistance is available to help you before, during and after a disaster.
  • Establish a Disaster Action & Communication Plan – Plan how you will contact family members; think about different ways to communicate and PRACTICE.
  • Make a Disaster Ready Kit – 5-day supplies of non-perishable food and water, battery-powered radio, plus extra batteries, flashlight, plus extra batteries, first aid kit, sanitation and hygiene items, medications, important documents, extra clothes, and anything else specific to your needs.
  • Sign Up for ReadySBC Alerts- To receive these official messages from the County, you must sign up for alerts. If you’re already signed up, confirm, or update your account information this month.

This year the City is focusing on turning awareness into action by encouraging all community members to sign up for the City’s Communicate Disaster Education (CDE) workshop. A CDE is a free, one-hour introductory course for groups of 10 or more that teaches community members how to become more prepared in the event of a disaster. Sign up for a CDE on the City website at

Learn more about National Preparedness Month, and how to make sure you and your family are prepared, at

Info graphic detailing the 1,2,3 steps in the press release
Info graphic detailing the 1,2,3 steps in the press release in Spanish


Liliana Encinas
Fire Department
Bilingual Public Outreach Coordinator