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Two officers, a man and a woman, smile into the camera and hold to go cups of coffee

SBPD’s Coffee with a Cop – This Monday (ENG/SPA)

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The Santa Barbara Police Department would like to invite the Santa Barbara community to Coffee with a Cop this coming Monday, July 24, 2023, between 8 - 10 a.m., at La Bella Rosa Bakery (1411 San Andres Street).

"Coffee with a Cop" is a community engagement program that builds positive relationships between officers and the public they serve. The program provides an opportunity for Santa Barbara police officers and professional staff employees to come together with community members in an informal setting to have open and friendly conversations. 

Ask some questions, voice concerns, or just get to know your SBPD employees better.  We hope to see you there and thank you La Bella Rosa Bakery for having us! 


El Departamento de Policía de Santa Bárbara desea invitar a la comunidad de Santa Bárbara a Café con un policía el próximo lunes 24 de julio de 2023, de 8 a 10 a. m., en La Bella Rosa Bakery (1411 San Andres Street).

Café con un policía,"Coffee with a Cop" es un programa de participación comunitaria que construye relaciones positivas entre los oficiales y el público al que sirven. El programa brinda una oportunidad para que los oficiales y los empleados del departamento de policía de Santa Barbara se reúnan con miembros de la comunidad en un ambiente informal para tener conversaciones abiertas y amistosas.

Haga algunas preguntas, exprese sus inquietudes o simplemente conozca mejor a sus empleados del SBPD. ¡Esperamos verlos allí y gracias a La Bella Rosa Bakery por recibirnos!

Coffee with a Cop Flyer July 24, 2023


Coffee with a cop Flyer July 24, 2023 Spanish


Sgt. Ethan Ragsdale
Sergeant, Public Information Officer