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State Street Master Plan

City Council Sets Interim Requirements for Outdoor Business Facilities on State Street

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During a City Council Meeting on Tuesday, September 20, 2022, the City Council voted 5-2 to approve updated requirements for outdoor business facilities on State Street. The requirements will remain in effect until the State Street Master Plan is conceived. 

The Council adopted the Staff’s recommendations based on the State Street Interim Operations Ad Hoc Subcommittee (Subcommittee) input for design requirements, with a compliance deadline of February 1, 2023. Some requirements include prohibiting flashing lights, screens on building exteriors, and a 48-inch maximum rail height. Council also approved the storm water clearance design requirement, which includes liftable restaurant platforms for storm water flow and cleaning, with a compliance deadline of December 1, 2022.

The Ad Hoc Subcommittee proposed a fee structure rate of $5.00 per square foot for all space within property frontage, leading Council to direct City staff to pursue a fee structure recommendation and discussion with the Finance Committee, to then return the matter to Council for a Fee Resolution, with the intent of implementing a fee structure by February 1, 2023.

Council also supported the Subcommittee’s recommendation that parades not return to State Street during interim operations. City staff will work with parade organizers to identify location opportunities for future parades. In addition, Council agreed that businesses are not required to make existing outdoor facilities portable, but portability will be required for new facilities. 

The State Street Promenade and the 400 and 1300 blocks of State Street will likely remain in an interim condition for the next two to five years. City staff will continue to implement the Economic Recovery Extension and Transition Ordinance (ERETO) and work with stakeholders and address issues of concern.   




Sarah Clark
Public Works - Downtown Parking
Downtown Plaza and Parking Manager