
Santa Maria Police Serve Search Warrant in Santa Barbara

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On the afternoon of June 3, 2022, the Santa Barbara Police Department was contacted by the Santa Maria Police Department about a wanted attempt murder suspect that was staying at a Santa Barabra hotel on Cabrillo Blvd.  The suspect was involved in a serious felony domestic violence incident several days ago in the City of Santa Maria.

Santa Maria Police received information pertaining to the location of the suspect. Santa Barbara Police were notified that a joint law enforcement contingency from Santa Maria would be the primary entity serving the arrest and search warrants for the wanted subject who was in the City of Santa Barbara. A contingent of Santa Barbara Police law enforcement officers were present during the execution of the warrant.

On June 4, 2022, around 2:00 am, Santa Maria Police Department SWAT conducted a warrant service on the hotel room the suspect was staying in.

The suspect was taken into custody without incident and transported to the Santa Barbara County Jail for booking.

This case is still an active investigation by the Santa Maria Police Department. Further inquiries about this investigation should be referred to Lt. R. Mengel – 805-928-3781 ext. 1281, rmengel@cityofsantamaria.org.


