Reminder: Free & Instant Permit for Heat Pump Water Heaters
Upgrading your water heater? Switch to a heat pump water heater for a healthier, safer, and more energy-efficient home! These electric alternatives reduce carbon emissions, improve indoor air quality, and lower energy costs.
The City’s OnDemand permit process makes it free and instant to replace your existing gas or electric resistance water heater with a heat pump model—no fees, no wait. Apply online today and get your permit via email instantly!
Plus, rebates from Santa Barbara Clean Energy, the City’s electric utility, are available to help with equipment and installation costs. Learn more at SantaBarbaraCA.gov/HEAP.
The OnDemand permits are available using your Accela Citizen Access (ACA) account. Information on how to set up an account is available on our Apply for a Permit webpage.
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