Paving Notice - Alta Mesa Neighborhood

Paving Schedule:
Wednesday, February 19th (blue):
700-800 blocks of Roberto Avenue
Thursday, February 20th (red):
800 block of Margo Street
800 block of Vales Street
The City of Santa Barbara Streets Operations Division will be paving part of the Alta Mesa neighborhood on Wednesday, February 19th and Thursday, February 20th, impacting Roberto Avenue, Margo Street, and Vales Street with road closures. During this project, you may experience temporary delays and parking restrictions as crews mill and grind the roadways in preparation for paving. Please follow all posted signage. The streets will be closed between 7:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. during paving days. During this time, there will be no access in or out of your driveways between the hours of 7:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. However, hours are subject to change due to weather or any complications that might occur during the paving process. Impacted areas will be posted with NO PARKING signs. Please park outside of the posted areas during this process.
QUESTIONS? Please call Ramiro Arroyo, Acting Streets Operations & Maintenance Superintendent at (805) 564-5454 or email RRArroyo@SantaBarbaraCA.gov.