Rendering of potential pedestrian and bicycle U.S. Highway 101 overcrossing

Grant-Funding Application Update for Lower Eastside Community Connectivity Active Transportation Plan

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The City applied for grant funding in June 2024 through the State’s Active Transportation Program (Program) Cycle 7 to design and construct the pedestrian and bicycle overcrossing as well as implement all safety enhancements throughout the Lower Eastside neighborhood proposed in the adopted Plan.

Although the application scored very well, it was unsuccessful due to a significant budget cut in the Program. Applications are undergoing review for two additional grant funding sources at the State and Federal levels that would fund the neighborhood safety improvements. However, these grants would not cover the cost of the overcrossing. 

The results of the grant funding applications for the neighborhood safety improvements will be available by June 2025. The City continues to seek grant funding opportunities for implementation of the Plan’s safety projects. 

For more information about the Plan and proposed projects, please email or visit