
Prioritizing the Preservation of Black Legacies in Santa Barbara

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Celebrate Black History Month 2022 with an event to learn about the historical and cultural context of Black people in Santa Barbara through a virtual panel discussion and screening of Black is Beautiful (20-minute documentary). A question and answer on the current process of developing an African American/Black Historic Context Statement will follow.

The City of Santa Barbara received a grant from the National Park Service, Department of the Interior, through the California Office of Historic Preservation to sponsor the development of a historic context statement that will explore the themes, events, people, and historic places important to the African American/Black community in Santa Barbara. The document will be based on decades of archiving work of historical moments, artifacts, and memories of Black history in Santa Barbara by local Black community members and new archival research.

The goal is to further recognize and understand the history and contributions of the African American/ Black community to the City and identify landmarks and sites of significance.

Event Moderator: Jordan Killebrew (he/him)

Panelists: Akivah Northern (she/her), E. Onja Brown (she/her), Isaac Garrett (he/him)

Context Statement Speakers: Nicole Hernandez (she/her), Simone Akila (she/her), Sojourner Kincaid Rolle (she/her)

A recording of the event will be housed on Healing Justice SB YouTube and HJSB.org and TV Santa Barbara.

Find out more about the project and see future events and drafts at www.SantaBarbaraCA.gov/Contextstatement.

