
Video Segment Release – “Up Front with SBPD” Alternative Call Response

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The Santa Barbara Police Department has just released another episode of “Up Front with SBPD.”  This episode centers around alternative call response and how the Combined Communications Center prioritizes calls for service.

The series will be posted on City webpages, YouTube, and social media platforms, as well as being played on the City TV Channel (Cox Cable Channel 18).

Future topics will feature the Community Formation Commission, recruitment and retention challenges, and the SBPD Co-Response Team.

We encourage community members to reach out to the Police Department with ideas they would like to see covered in future episodes. Please contact Sgt. E. Ragsdale with suggestions. (eragsdale@sbpd.com

Please visit the Santa Barbara Police Departments social media platforms, or City TV YouTube channel to watch the current episode. Up Front with SBPD: Alternative Call Response - YouTube

Media Attached

Video Download Link - https://santabarbaraca.canto.com/b/H9IKG



Sgt. E. Ragsdale, Communications Sergeant – PIO