Water Main Replacement on Portesuello Avenue Starting November 18
The City is replacing approximately one mile of water main on Portesuello Avenue between Las Positas Road and Mountain Avenue starting Monday, November 18, with an anticipated completion date in spring 2025, pending any potential weather delays. This area will be open to traffic, but there may be temporary delays and parking restrictions.
Expect construction noise Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. Water service may be interrupted while properties are being connected to the water main. Residents will receive a detailed notice one day in advance of a proposed service interruption.
The City aims to replace 2% of our water main pipelines each year to deliver safe and reliable water to the community. We appreciate your patience and understanding while the water infrastructure is being upgraded.
Read more about this Project on the Information Project Sheet and peruse the Major Projects Map to for more information on current and future projects.
Questions? Please contact Mehdi Moussavian, Project Engineer, at (805) 897-2501 or MMoussavian@SantaBarbaraCA.gov.