2/17: All SBPL locations will be closed for Presidents’ Day.

Watermain Construction

Water Main Pipeline Replacement on Tap for Lucinda Lane and Nearby Streets Beginning Week of February 10

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Due to supply chain issues, the water main replacement construction will take place in two phases. The first phase, starting the week of February 10th, will verify underground utilities and order materials. Work will take place on the following streets:

•    E. Calle Laureles from Foothill Road to Marilyn Way
•    E. Alamar from Foothill Road to Marilyn Way
•    Marilyn Way from E. Calle Laureles to E. Alamar Avenue
•    Lucinda Lane

Please expect construction noise Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. These streets will remain open to traffic during construction with driveway access available, but temporary delays and parking restrictions may occur. Water service will not be interrupted. Phase one is anticipated to be completed in March.

Phase two will be the water main replacement, which is anticipated to start summer 2025 and be completed in winter 2025, pending material availability.  

During phase two construction, water service may be interrupted while your property is being connected to the new water main. A detailed notice will arrive at your residence one day in advance of a proposed service interruption.

The City aims to replace 2% of our water main pipelines each year to deliver safe and reliable water to the community. We appreciate your patience and understanding while the water infrastructure is being upgraded.

To find out more: Call or email Mehdi Moussavian, City Project Engineer, at (805) 897-2501, MMoussavian@SantaBarbaraCA.gov.

Información en Español: Llame o envíe un correo electrónico a Mathew Rojas, (805) 564-5450, MRojas@SantaBarbaraCA.gov.