Update: New June 1 Date for Planning Commission Hearing and Revised HCD Draft Housing Element for Review
The Planning Commission hearing date on the Revised Draft Housing Element has been changed from May 4 to June 1, 2023. On June 1, the Planning Commission will receive a presentation and public comment on the Revised Draft Housing Element, hold a discussion, and provide feedback to staff. Please visit SantaBarbaraCA.gov/PC for the agenda and how to participate in this hearing.
Comments on the Revised Draft are welcome during the 60-day State Housing and Community Development (HCD) review period up to June 16, 2023. Submit comments to the City at HEU@SantaBarbaraCA.gov. You can also submit comments directly to HCD at HousingElements@hcd.ca.gov.
After HCD’s review, the City will consider adopting the final 2023-2031 Housing Element. The adoption hearings process will provide further opportunities for public input.