Image shows a garbage can filled with donated riffles and two buckets filled with handguns collected at the Gun Buy Back

SBPD 2023 Gun Buyback

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On May 20, 2023, the Santa Barbara Police Department held a Gun Buyback at the Santa Barbara City Yards. The Gun Buyback Program is an initiative to enhance community safety by reducing the number of unwanted firearms in the Santa Barbara area. SBPD saw a great response from residents who demonstrated their commitment to creating a safer environment for all.

Overall, the Santa Barbara Police Department collected 137 unwanted guns. A variety of firearms were collected, including California legal and illegal guns. These weapons surrendered represented a significant step toward reducing the potential risks associated with these weapons.

All the firearms collected during the program will be properly disposed of in accordance with legal and regulatory requirements.

SBPD would like to thank all the community members who participated in the program. Their responsible actions in surrendering unwanted firearms demonstrate their commitment to community safety. Also, we would like to thank the other city departments that assisted in making this program successful.