Pedestrian Safety Improvements Project

Pedestrian Safety Improvements Project

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Lash Construction Inc. began construction of the HSIP Cycle 9 Pedestrian Safety Improvements Project (Project). The Project will improve and provide pedestrian and nighttime safety enhancements on Bath St. and Sola St., Bath St. and Victoria St., Canon Perdido St. and Nopal St., and Salinas St. and Old Coast Highway/Punta Gorda.

This Project will install curb extensions, 16 new Americans with Disabilities Act compliant pedestrian access ramps, a pedestrian refuge island, and high visibility marking and signs at specific locations to alert drivers where pedestrians frequently cross. Additionally, the Project will include the installation of street lighting at the intersections of Bath St. and Sola St., Bath St. and Victoria St., Canon Perdido St. and Nopal St., and Salinas St. and Old Coast Highway/Punta Gorda Street.

Traffic control and temporary delays should be expected. Access will be maintained for residents, although temporary disruptions should be anticipated while construction is taking place. The Project is anticipated to be completed in December 2022. Work will occur Monday through Friday between 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. When school is in session, work performed within 300 feet of school property is limited to working between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Monday through Wednesday and Friday. On Thursday, work is permitted between the hours of 9:45 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. For any questions please contact, Mathew Rojas, at or (805) 564-5450.

The total project cost is approximately $1.36 million and is primarily funded through the Federal Highway Safety Improvements Program (HSIP) grant.

For additional Project details, view Highway Safety Improvement Program Project Info Sheet.