Community Input Requested on Architectural Styles
Which architectural styles are appropriate for the City’s multi-unit housing neighborhoods? Beginning today through December 31, 2023, let us know where you think the City should allow Craftsman, Mediterranean, or Contemporary styles for new projects of two or more residential units.
The community is invited to provide input on a map that will help shape the design for future multi-unit residential development. The map focuses on these three architectural styles and where they should apply for projects using proposed Objective Design and Development Standards (ODDS). To participate, visit the project webpage at www.SantaBarbaraCA.gov/SBDS and click on the “Community Survey” button.
The ODDS project was started in 2021, when the City was awarded a State grant. The draft ODDS are available for public review and final standards are expected to be adopted in 2024. Input on the map will be used to inform staff and decision-makers on adjusting the map where certain styles will be allowed.
Results and any proposed revisions to the map will be posted after the survey closes in December. For more information or to receive updates on the Santa Barbara Objective Design Standards project, visit www.SantaBarbaraCA.gov/SBDS