500 Block N Salsipuedes - Day & Night Work in Dec & Jan
While construction crews have installed most of the new desalination pipeline for the Desal Link project, there is still work to be completed in the 500 block of North Salsipuedes Street and at the intersection of Haley Street. Between December 19th and January 13th, construction will alternate between day and night work (see details below). Please expect equipment, materials, and parking restrictions in construction areas, near Ortega Park, Richardson Avenue, and adjacent blocks starting December 12th.
Day Work
Construction will occur weekdays between December 19th and 30th from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on North Salsipuedes Street between Cota Street and Haley Street.
Night Work
Construction will occur on weekdays nightly, between January 2nd and 20th from 8:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. on North Salsipuedes Street at the intersection with Haley Street.

Background Information
The Desal Link project will connect desalinated water pipelines between the Charles E. Meyer Desalination Plant and water mains connected to the Cater Water Treatment Plant. The purpose is to connect our community water sources and provide access to desalinated water for our entire service area. The new pipeline will be installed under Garden, Sola, Olive, Ortega, Salsipuedes, Calle Cesar Chavez, and Yanonali Streets. Toro Construction is the project contractor. Please visit www.SantaBarbaraCA.gov/DesalLink to see fact sheets, maps, background materials, and other project information.