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Employee Pension Information


The City of Santa Barbara offers pensions through the California Public Employees Retirement System (CalPERS).

The tables below show the amount that the City and employees contribute to the CalPERS pension plans as a percent of employees' reportable salaries.

Miscellaneous (Non-Safety) Plan Contribution Rates
Fiscal Year 2017-2018Classic EmployeesNew (PEPRA) Employees (2)
Formula (1)2.7% at age 552% at age 62
Current Normal Cost % payroll (5)10.358%10.358%
City Paid UAL as a % of Payroll (3)18.473%18.473%
Employee Paid City Contributions (4)-1.811%N/A
Total City CalPERS Contribution27.020%28.831%
Employees' CalPERS Contribution9.811%6.75%
Miscellaneous (Non-Safety) Plan Contribution Rates
Fiscal Year 2018-2019 (projected)Classic EmployeesNew (PEPRA) Employees (2)
Formula (1)2.7% at age 552% at age 62
Current Normal Cost % payroll (5)10.637%10.637%
City Paid UAL as a % of Payroll (3)21.191%21.191%
Employee Paid City Contributions (4)-2.726%N/A
Total City CalPERS Contribution29.102%31.828%
Employees' CalPERS Contribution10.726%6.75%
Miscellaneous (Non-Safety) Plan Contribution Rates
Fiscal Year 2019-2020 (projected)Classic EmployeesNew (PEPRA) Employees (2)
Formula (1)2.7% at age 552% at age 62
Current Normal Cost % payroll (5)11.2%11.2%
City Paid UAL as a % of Payroll (3)23.7%23.7%
Employee Paid City Contributions (4)-3.665%N/A
Total City CalPERS Contribution31.235%34.9%
Employees' CalPERS Contribution11.665%6.75%

Police Safety Plan Contribution Rates
Fiscal Year 2017-2018Classic EmployeesNew (PEPRA) Employees (2)
Formula (1)3% at age 502.7% at age 57
Current Normal Cost % payroll20.728%20.728%
City Paid UAL as a % of Payroll (3)25.45%25.45%
Employee Paid City Contributions (4)N/AN/A
Total City CalPERS Contribution46.178%46.178%
Employees' CalPERS Contribution9%12%
Police Safety Plan Contribution Rates
Fiscal Year 2018-2019 (projected)Classic EmployeesNew (PEPRA) Employees (2)
Formula (1)3% at age 502.7% at age 57
Current Normal Cost % payroll (5)21.114%21.114%
City Paid UAL as a % of Payroll (3)33.514%33.514%
Employee Paid City Contributions (4)N/AN/A
Total City CalPERS Contribution54.628%54.628%
Employees' CalPERS Contribution9%12%
Police Safety Plan Contribution Rates
Fiscal Year 2019-2020 (projected)Classic EmployeesNew (PEPRA) Employees (2)
Formula (1)3% at age 502.7% at age 57
Current Normal Cost % payroll (5)22.00%22.00%
City Paid UAL as a % of Payroll (3)38.5%38.5%
Employee Paid City Contributions (4)N/AN/A
Total City CalPERS Contribution60.5%60.5%
Employees' CalPERS Contribution9%12%

Fire Safety Plan Contribution Rates
Fiscal Year 2017-2018Classic EmployeesNew (PEPRA Employees (2)
Formula (1)3% at age 502.7% at age 57
Current Normal Cost % payroll (5)20.741%12.729%
City Paid UAL as a % of Payroll (3)32.217%0.742%
Employee Paid City Contributions (4)N/AN/A
Total City CalPERS Contribution52.958%13.471%
Combined City Rate (6)52.307%
Employees' CalPERS Contribution9%12.25%
Fire Safety Plan Contribution Rates
Fiscal Year 2018-2019 (projected)Classic EmployeesNew (PEPRA) Employees (2)
Formula (1)3% at age 502.7% at age 57
Current Normal Cost % payroll (5)22.008%12.965%
City Paid UAL as a % of Payroll (3)36.939%0.215%
Employee Paid City Contributions (4)N/AN/A
Total City CalPERS Contribution58.947%13.180%
Combined City Rate (6)55.376%
Employees' CalPERS Contribution9%12.75%
Fire Safety Plan Contribution Rates
Fiscal Year 2019-2020 (projected)Classic EmployeesNew (PEPRA) Employees (2)
Formula (1)3% at age 502.7% at age 57
Current Normal Cost % payroll (5)23.2%13.2%
City Paid UAL as a % of Payroll (3)Not reported Not reported
Employee Paid City Contributions (4)N/AN/A
Total City CalPERS Contribution  
Combined City Rate (6) 
Employees' CalPERS Contribution9%12.75%


(1) Formula shows the percent of final salary at normal retirement age for each year of City service, payable for the life of the retiree.

(2) New employees are those employees hired after 1/1/2013 who are not grandfathered in the pension system as "Classic" employees under CalPERS pursuant to the Public Employees' Pension Reform Act (PEPRA).

(3) UAL = Unfunded liability. An unfunded liability is a disparity between the estimated amount of a pension plan's obligations and the current value of its assets.

(4) Classic Miscellaneous Employees agreed to pay a portion of the City's CalPERS contribution in order to help pay for a 2004 pension benefit enhancement.

(5) Fire employees are in two separate CalPERS "pooled" plans beginning in Fiscal Year 2015, one for Classic and one for New (PEPRA) employees.

(6) Combined rate for Fire consolidates total normal cost and total payments on UAL as a function of total payroll across the two pooled plans to more accurately reflect the cost as a percent of total payroll.

CalPERS Plan Actuarial Valuations

Interested parties may view the current and previous year CalPERS plan actuarial valuations for the City of Santa Barbara (Employer Number 6782000650) through the following link.

Valuations are numbered 2 years prior to the beginning of the Fiscal Year in which employer rates are established. So, for example, the "Miscellaneous 2015" valuation was used to set the City's July 2017 through June 2018 ("Fiscal Year 2018") required Miscellaneous contribution rates.