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Santa Barbara City Combined Communications Center


In an Emergency dial: 9-1-1
Non-Emergency Phone: 805-882-8900

The Combined Communications Center (CCC) serves the citizens of the City of Santa Barbara 24 hours per day, seven days per week, and 365 days per year. Our Public Safety Dispatchers are here to answer calls for police, fire and medical services and are committed to providing timely, professional service. 

The CCC is housed in a newly renovated building located near downtown. It is equipped with multiple state of the art communications systems which include, Computer Aided Dispatch, Priority Dispatch System (Fire/EMS), Public Safety Radio, and a 9-1-1 call handling system. Each dispatch workstation is fully ergonomic which allows the dispatcher to complete all job functions from a seated or fully standing position.

The center is the primary public safety answering point for all Police, Fire and Medical calls in the City of Santa Barbara. Our dispatchers take pride in providing excellent emergency service and on average answer all 911 calls in under 5 seconds.  

Our Public Safety Dispatchers are recognized for the vital role they play in Public Safety. They respond to emergency calls, dispatch emergency professionals and equipment, and render life-saving assistance to our citizens.    

The CCC is overseen by a Communications Manager and 3 Public Safety Dispatch Supervisors.

For information on an exciting career as a Public Safety Dispatcher, contact the Human Resources Department at 805-564-5316 or visit on-line at Careers at the City. Current vacancies available for entry level and lateral Public Safety Dispatchers. 

"Becoming an Exemplary Dispatcher" authored by California Commission on Peace Officer Standards (POST) and Josephson Institute of Ethics. This resource provides you with an overview of the Public Safety Dispatch profession, and what to expect during the hiring and training process.