Todas las sedes de la Biblioteca Pública de Santa Bárbara estarán cerradas el lunes, 31 de marzo en conmemoración del Día de César Chávez.

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Rosie Dyste
Project Planner
(805) 564-5470 x4599


General Plan Updates


A General Plan typically has a time horizon that outlines the community’s vision for about 20 years, providing a long-term framework for land use and future growth. The Housing Element however is updated on an eight year cycle per state law. Other element updates may be triggered by the Housing Element update or other state laws. The City is currently preparing Open Space and Safety Element updates per state law mandates.

Arial view of trail heading up in Parma Park

Open Space Element Update

The Open Space Element of the General Plan identifies areas that provide value in an essentially undeveloped condition and creates a plan to preserve such areas. The Open Space Element reinforces the Conservation Element by guiding the comprehensive and long-range preservation of open space lands that are important to the conservation of the City and state’s natural resources. 

Picture of Vegetation Management team at Honda Valley

Safety Element Update

The Safety Element of the General Plan identifies safety hazards and includes policies to reduce the potential short and long-term risk of death, injuries, property damage, and economic and social dislocation resulting from fires, floods, droughts, earthquakes, landslides, climate change, and other hazards.