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Dan Gullett
Principal Planner
(805) 897-2569


General Plan Elements & Appendices


In December 2011, the City Council adopted the Plan Santa Barbara General Plan update. This process resulted in a new General Plan Introductory Framework, comprehensively updated Land Use and Housing Elements, and a new set of goals and policies for the remaining elements. The 2011 General Plan update reorganizes the elements, consistent with the Introductory Framework for Sustainability (and state law), and compiles the six previous volumes into one document.

In December 2023, the City Council adopted the 6th Cycle 2023-2031 Housing Element. The resolution for adoption included the following actions:

  • Repealing the 2015 Housing Element;
  • Removing Appendices E, F, G, and H, which were all part of the 2015 Housing Element (the subsequent Appendices I, J, K, and L retained the original lettering format); and  
  • Amending Appendix A to add the City Council resolution for adoption of the 2023-2031 Housing Element. 

General Plan Program EIR

The following includes the Certified Final Program Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Plan Santa Barbara General Plan Update and Addenda.