U. S. Highway 101 (US 101) is a physical barrier to walking and bicycling between the Lower Eastside neighborhood and Waterfront destinations located south of US 101. The closest highway crossing points are 1.25 miles apart, and there is a lack of walking and bicycling infrastructure at some of the existing crossing locations and within corridors leading to them. To identify projects to enhance pedestrian and bicycle connectivity between the Lower Eastside and destinations south of US 101, the City developed the Lower Eastside Community Connectivity Active Transportation Plan (Plan) that builds upon previously adopted plans, including the 2006 Pedestrian Master Plan, 2013 Eastside Neighborhood Transportation Management Plan, 2016 Bicycle Master Plan, and 2018 Santa Barbara Vision Zero Strategy. With support from the community, the Plan was adopted by City Council in February of 2024.
The Plan describes existing conditions and planned safety enhancements within the Plan Area, outlines the community engagement process, includes a Feasibility Study of a future pedestrian and bicycle overcrossing, and provides steps for Plan Implementation.
The City applied for grant funding in June 2024 through the State’s Active Transportation Program (Program) Cycle 7 to design and construct the pedestrian and bicycle overcrossing as well as implement all safety enhancements throughout the Lower Eastside neighborhood proposed in the adopted Plan.
Although the application scored very well, it was unsuccessful due to a significant budget cut in the Program. Applications are undergoing review for two additional grant funding sources at the State and Federal levels that would fund the neighborhood safety improvements. However, these grants would not cover the cost of the overcrossing.
The results of the grant funding applications for the neighborhood safety improvements will be available by June 2025. The City continues to seek grant funding opportunities for implementation of the Plan’s safety projects.
735 Anacapa Street
Santa Barbara, CA 93101
Phone: (805) 963-0611
Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday - Thursday, and alternate Fridays.
City of Santa Barbara, PO Box 1990
Santa Barbara, CA 93102-1990
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