Eastside Library will be closed due to construction work through 8/7.

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An aerial view of the city with a blue banner above that says City Business in Brief

Sign Up for the Quarterly Business Newsletter -- Business News in Brief

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The City of Santa Barbara will be issuing a quarterly business newsletter, Business News in Brief, beginning in January 2023. To sign up for the digital newsletter that will be distributed via email, interested members of the public are encouraged to register at: santabarbaraca.gov/subscribe and click on Business News in Brief.

The newsletter is an effort to ensure businesses, commercial property owners and nonprofits are informed about the available technical and financial assistance resources available to support their operations and investment and changes in business processes and policy matters.

“The business community needs support and information more than ever as they navigate, retool and pivot from the effects of the pandemic and ongoing changes to the economy. The City wants to help keep business owners aware of available programs and services that can assist their operations as well as inform them about opportunities to become engaged and provide input into local issues,” said Economic Development Manager Jason Harris.

The Business News in Brief newsletter is an additional resource for the business community and another customer service improvement being implemented by the City. The Finance department recently streamlined the business license process to allow for online payment, renewal and application. The City is continuing to streamline the land development process to support business investment and economic prosperity in the community.  



Jason Harris
Economic Development Manager