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Cover Artwork from Budget Book

Adopted Budget for Fiscal Year 2023 for the City of Santa Barbara

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On June 21, 2022, the City of Santa Barbara adopted its operating and capital budget for Fiscal Year (FY) 2023, as required by the City Charter. The budget includes an introductory budget message from the City Administrator, revenue and expenditure details by fund and department, capital priorities and performance indicators.

The Adopted Operating and Capital Budget for FY2023 is comprised of all City funds, including the General Fund, special revenue funds, and enterprise funds. Each fund accounts for distinct and uniquely funded operations. The FY2023 Adopted Budget includes a $156 Million General Fund budget and more than $300 Million in capital projects.

The City’s budget for FY2023 can be found by accessing the new, online budget tool at www.SantaBarbaraCA.gov/budget. The budget tool will be updated within the next few weeks to reflect the final actions taken by the City Council today. The new budget tool brings greater transparency and accountability around the City’s finances. It displays information in an easy-to-use way that allows the public to find information more quickly. Future financial and programmatic reporting enhancements will be considered in future budget cycles.

