Our mission is to provide the community with a quality Waterfront for recreation and commercial use, along with mooring and landside services for boating. Approximately 252 acres of tidelands and submerged lands is managed by the Department. The area encompasses the Harbor and Stearns Wharf. Different from most City departments, Waterfront is an Enterprise Fund and operates from revenues generated from the lands we manage. Tenant rents, boat fees, parking fees, and other sources are put back into improvements and services, such as, preventative maintenance, capital improvements, parking services, staffing, public safety, slip and visitor boat services, special events, public education and more.
The Local Coastal Program Coastal Land Use Plan was revised in 2019 effectively replacing the 1996 Harbor Master Plan. The Coastal Land Use Plan provides guidelines for coastal development and prioritized activities within the Harbor. The portions of the approved Harbor Master Plan that are still applicable have been incorporated as policies into the new Coastal Land Use Plan.