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630 Garden Street
Santa Barbara, CA 93101

General Questions:

Building Counter
(805) 564-5485 x4371
(805) 564-5476 Fax

Division Manager:

Tina Dye, CBO
Chief Building Official
(805) 564-5553


Building & Safety


New! Starting the week of October 7, 2024:
Building & Safety, Planning, and Public Works permit counters at 630 Garden Street are open for walk-ins Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday, from 8:30 a.m. - 12:00 noon, and Wednesday from 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. No appointment is required.

What We Do

  • Building Counter & Plan Review provides guidance for the public and staff for all types of building related issues including preparing and issuing building permits. They review engineering and architectural plans for compliance with state laws, ordinances and health and safety codes.
  • Building Inspection and Code Enforcement perform building inspections for compliance with approved plans, design review details, and conditions. They also investigate in response to citizen and other agency reports of sub-standard and/or dangerous structures. This team also provides technical assistance in assessing the safety of structures following a disaster.
  • Records & Archives provide cashiering services for all Land Development transactions. They coordinate and provide for the imaging, storage, archival and accessibility of Community Development Property Records for the community and staff in adherence with State laws and City Council policies.

New California Building Standards Code Changes to Take Effect on January 1, 2023: Beginning January 1, 2023, the City of Santa Barbara Building and Safety Division will be required by State law to enforce the 2022 Edition of California Building Standards Codes (also known as Title 24 of the California Codes of Regulations). Projects submitted on or before December 20, 2022, are permitted to comply with the 2019 Edition of the California Building Standards Code.

City of Santa Barbara Construction Codes & Amendments - Effective January 1, 2023


Staff Contacts

Tina Dye

Chief Building Official
(805) 564-5485 Ext.5553

Raven Rutledge

Business Analyst
(805) 564-5545

Records and Archives

Brenda Nielsen

Administrative Clerical Supervisor, Records and Archives
(805) 897-2653

Code Compliance

Nori Sanchez

Code Compliance (Enforcement) Supervisor

Timo Rodriguez

Building Inspector
(805) 897-2529

John Wadkowski

Senior Building Inspector
(805) 564-5577

David Gay

Planning Technician II
(805) 564-5485

Celia Lennon

Planning Technician II
(805) 564-5470 x 4549


Planning Technician I


Michael Rubin

Building & Safety Inspections Supervisor
(805) 564-5588

Peter Mikelson

Senior Building Inspector - Specialty/QSP
(805) 897-2567

Brian Kircher

Senior Building Inspector - Specialty Plumbing/Mechanical
(805) 564-5580

Ian Weston

Senior Building Inspector - Specialty Electrical
(805) 897-2604

Stephen Dippold

Senior Building Inspector - Specialty Accessibility  
(805) 897-1943

Sam Blackwell

Building Inspector
(805) 564-5548

Ed Cateriano

Building Inspector
(805) 564-5598

Doug Lyon

Building Inspector
(805) 560-7512

Plan Review

Jose P. Barajas

Building & Safety Plan Check Supervisor
(805) 564-5566

Jimmy Martinez

Senior Plans Examiner
(805) 897-2528

Eric O. Swenumson

Senior Plans Examiner
 (805) 560-7532

Chris Short

Senior Plan Check Engineer & Floodplain Coordinator 
(805) 897-2559

Andrew Altwer

Plans Examiner
(805) 564-5565

W. Marshall Thompson

Plans Examiner
(805) 560-7566

James Hatsedakis

Building Permit Technician
(805) 897-2670

Andrew Abbott

Building Permit Technician
(805) 564-5567

Dunja Sawka (DJ)

Building Permit Technician

Christie Meier-Livingston

Building Permit Technician
(805) 897-2606